Hanging by a Thread – WAFTA 2020

The works in ‘Hanging by a Thread’ Exhibition 2020, at Holmes a Court Gallery, West Perth, share the turbulence and changes experienced during CoVid19. Lucille’s evocative and surreal landscape images of Tasmania, NSW and Western Australia are layered and developed with found commercial materials collected from discarded commercial printing company and are part of an ongoing series referring to historical sewing techniques like pattern cutting and smocking. Smocking is a symbolic reference to what was practical for garments to be both form-fitting and flexible, hence its name derives from smock a farmer’s work shirt.

Lucille symbolism refers to a global need to be flexible, open to change and transformation. The cutting up of fragments and layering of textile refers to the incapacity of multiple political, social, environmental systems throughout the world in crisis and the inability to world in a collective, supportive and humane capacity globally. The CoVid pandemic asks humanity to walk through new portals of change for a new world.  Titles of Artwork : Connecting Lands  ©2020 Copyright – All  Image and Words Lucille Martin